Your support is greatly appreciated, but entirely voluntary. You can make a small donation to support the channel and website using the options below, and can change or cancel it at any time.

Support the channel with Patreon.
The best option is Patreon, which lets you support the channel with a small monthly contribution and lets you view and provide feedback on the videos before they are released for general viewing.
Patreons also get the prototypes of new PCB designs and other gadgets.
The Patreon system offers much better communication than PayPal, and lets us stay in touch if I'm so naughty that my channel gets locked down and I need to switch to a different video platform.
Click here to support the channel with Patreon.

Or alternatively you can use PayPal to send a one-off gift by clicking the link below.
Please include a note with your email address.
Click here to support the channel with a PayPal donation.

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